I recall when I found this 'new' porn offering. This particular guy, he did vids with another bro and they tag teamed the women. At the time, I was coming off the 80s, when finding a normal looking white chick being pounded by bbc was few and far between. Never went for the standard big hair, big fake titties, peroxided skanks of the 80's that seemed to be in every porn video up for offer.
Anonymous 718 days ago
I recall when I found this 'new' porn offering. This particular guy, he did vids with another bro and they tag teamed the women. At the time, I was coming off the 80s, when finding a normal looking white chick being pounded by bbc was few and far between. Never went for the standard big hair, big fake titties, peroxided skanks of the 80's that seemed to be in every porn video up for offer.